What is the Blue Light at the Dental Office?

When you visit the dentist, have you ever noticed a bright blue light being used during your appointment? This blue light is actually an integral part of many dental procedures. It’s called a curing light and it plays an important role in keeping your teeth healthy and strong. In this blog post, we’ll explain what a curing light is and how it works.

Curing lights are an essential tool in modern dentistry, allowing dentists to quickly and effectively repair damage caused by tooth decay or trauma without having to resort to more invasive procedures.

What Does a Curing Light Do?

Curing lights are used in dentistry to harden or “cure” white composite resin materials. Composite resin materials are used to repair chipped or broken teeth, fill cavities, and whiten teeth. The curing light emits a specific type of ultraviolet energy that helps bond the composite resin material to tooth structure. This process is known as “photo-polymerization” or “photocuring” because the ultraviolet energy activates certain chemicals in the composite resin material which causes them to bond together and form a solid structure when exposed to blue light for sufficient length of time.

Types of Curing Lights

There are two main types of curing lights used in dentistry today – halogen and LED lights. Halogen curing lights use quartz bulbs with halogen gas inside them to produce ultraviolet energy. LED curing lights use clusters of LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) which emit more focused bursts of ultraviolet energy than halogen lamps do. Both types can be effective at photocuring composite resins but typically LED lights are more efficient because they require less time to harden the material than halogen lights do – usually around 10 seconds compared with 20-30 seconds for halogen lamps. Additionally, LED lamps produce less heat than halogen lamps so they can be more comfortable for patients who may be sensitive to heat during treatment.


Curing lights are an essential tool in modern dentistry, allowing dentists to quickly and effectively repair damage caused by tooth decay or trauma without having to resort to more invasive procedures like crowns or bridges. By using these specialized tools, dentists can help their patients keep their natural teeth healthy and strong for years to come! If you have any questions about curing lights or other dental procedures, don’t hesitate to ask your dentist!