What is All on 4?

What Is All-on-4®, and How Do They Compare to Conventional Dentures?

We love dental implants. Each and every case is different, and dentists must have a broad understanding of each patient’s unique factors, then formulate the most practical treatment plan for that individual. There’s an art to it, and we genuinely enjoy the process.

What Exactly is All-on-4?

You’d be correct to assume that All-on-4’s are dental implants. Think of them as dental implants on steroids. They are a full set of implants designed to replace your entire lower and upper set of teeth. They are a more natural-looking, permanent alternative to conventional dentures, and have become very popular in recent years, due to their ability to last 20+ years.

Dental implants traditionally have a single titanium screw that a dentist inserts into the gums or jawbone. Then, he or she places a single false tooth onto the screw. With All-on-4 implants, you don’t need to replace teeth individually. Instead, the dental professional surgically inserts four to six titanium posts into the jawbone as the main anchors. The dentist can then attach a permanent denture to that area for a seamless look across your entire mouth.

5 Advantages of All-on-4 Implants

All-on-4 implants offer several benefits that help patients gain renewed confidence and a lifetime of smiles.

Advantages include:

1. Instant Results

In as little as 24 hours, you can experience enhanced teeth stability, chewing ability, and an overall renewed level of confidence.

2. Reduction In Cost

Unlike traditional implants, grafting is exempt from All-on-4 dental implants, which significantly reduces the overall cost. Between the lower cost and longer-lasting results (20+ years), it’s hard to compete with this revolutionary dental procedure.

3. Improves Appearance

The All-on-4 procedure helps to preserve your jawbone (which often shrinks with old age), causing facial structure damage and wrinkles associated with missing teeth. The All-on-4 procedure can cause you to look younger, and with a radiant smile to match.

4. Reduces Health Issues Associated with Missing Teeth

The All-on-4 dental implant procedure can help to reduce the chances of periodontal disease—which has been linked to stroke, diabetes, heart attack, and other chronic diseases.

5. Helps to Improve Chewing

This is an easy one to overlook if you’ve never experienced what it’s like to miss out on eating your favorite foods (steak, nuts, popcorn, etc.) due to the limitations of conventional dentures. With All-on-4, you can continue to enjoy all of your favorite foods.


Modern dentistry has come a long way, and continues to make advancements in technology and treatments. We at Smile Solutions Family Dentistry are dedicated to providing our patients and their families with the very best (and safest) treatments available.

If you’re interested in the All-on-4 procedure, then please call us (704-456-9611) or text us (833-269-9834), and we’ll be happy to setup a consultation. We also offer financing, and accept most insurances.